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From 1975 to 1978

Electrical machines and drives lab

Electrical machines exercices


From 1978 to 1981

Electrical machines (2 courses)

Power electronics fundamentals (2 courses)

Digital control systems (1 course)

MSc Project


From 1981 to 1987

Electrical circuits (lab and exercices)

Basic electronics (lab and exercices)

Power electronics (1 course)

Electronics circuits simulation and design (course and lab)


From 1987 to 2021

Electrical drives (course)

Electrical machines analysis (course)

Electrical machines transients (course)

Electrical machines design (course)

Energy conversion basis (course)

Condition monitoring and diagnostics techniques (course)


From September 2021 on

As Emeritus Professor, I have no more teaching duties in my Department. However, I'm still IEEE-IES Distinguished Lecturer and I can give talks and even courses on electrical machines everywhere in the world!

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